Why People Hate Android? 5 Myths To Clear

 Is there an Android phone in your hand right now? Probably yes because it is the most famous operating system and due to its affordability, flexibility, and ease of use it is the choice of many people out there.

Why People Hate Android? 5 Myths To Clear

In this post, we are going to explain why people hate android in different ways. There are some major and minor things that would be better for Android to solve as an open-source program.

Android is circulating in the market for many years. There are millions of Android users that seem pleased with this operating system on the contrary there are a number of users who find many aspects annoying. Let’s have a quick look at some of the reasons that make the user hate Android.

Poor User Interface

Most Android phones have a poor and highly disappointing user interface due to a lack of proper animation. The overall experience of the user interface is so slow. Users can notice that Android devices become more sluggish within months of use because of a lack of updates. Many users have reported that their Android phone keeps hanging after a few months of use.

This interface is also easy to use as compare to any other operating system. So, the majority of user bae believes that they have to go with the easier on. Humankind always tends to it and mostly tries to find ease in every situation of daily life. This will make them lazier and there are millions even billions of lazy people are tweaking right there.

Late App Updates

One thing that annoys users the most is the delayed app update. Popular apps and many others were not functional months after being published because developers prefer that their apps should be accessible on Apple App Store first and then on Android.

Keyboard & Poor Word Predictions

Keyboard and word prediction are counted among the things hated most about the Android. There are multiple third-party applications good enough to replace the Android keyboard. People prefer to use the third-party keyboard rather than the one provided by Android because of amazing word predictions and other unique options.


There are a wide variety of Android phones available in different shapes and sizes. So, it is difficult for an accessory maker to create accessories for each model. For example, if you want to purchase a speaker system, charger, car mount, etc, you might have difficulty finding the accessory for a particular phone model.


Android is more susceptible to getting a virus than any other smartphone because of no control over apps. There are plenty of good antivirus applications but many apps are not checked by Google. An app that comes from any other source the Google play is not safe.

Some are safe but others are not. This will make your device get varus and other malware easily. If a person installs an application from a third party website, then there are more chances of the virus to be found on them. because with the one app your Android downloading apps by itself and this will cause a problem. So this is the thing android allows their users to download APK file and use it to install the application into the phone.

Lack of Innovation

Whenever a new iPhone comes on the market it is always featured with something new and exciting that urges people to buy them. But if Android is not planning on turning on the creativity light and dwells in the state of lack of innovation then nobody is going to buy it.

Short Battery Life

Every smartphone has a battery life problem but with Android matters have gone out of hand. Plenty of stupid apps keep running in the background to consume battery. An Android user has to stop these running apps every now and then from the Task Manager. To save your battery for the whole day a user has to turn off the wifi, GPS, restrict activity, and keep the brightness low.

Force Shut Down

Android has improved itself in many ways in the past few years but this problem is still there. Either force close the app in the middle, close the app from Task Manager or it makes you restart the device.


Your privacy is always at gunpoint as you are using Android. The user may think that he will not install apps from the third-party website so he is safe. Many users have complained that their Android phone got viruses from the apps downloaded from Google Play Store. If we talk about this in deep, then we found that there is a lack of security in some areas.

Final Words

It seems like Android developers focus more on launching new models than the quality. User does not just invest in the phone but also the quality and features and Android need to amp up their game by a large stretch or else they would lose their customers to Apple.

Lastly, I must say that there are so many good aspects of Android as well. But now it is up to you that you are going to love or hate it. In this post, I make sure to elaborate on all of the issues why people are really considering them on Android devices.

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